
Ten-year-old Wadjda’s friend Abdullah has a bicycle, which represents to her the freedom that only boys have in the gender-conscious society of Saudi Arabia. She makes and sells bracelets and runs errands to earn money to buy one, sometimes getting in trouble with her school principal. Hoping to win prize money, she enters a contest that tests knowledge about the Quran and the ability to recite the sacred text.


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Product Description

Film runtime: 1 hour, 38 minutes

Film rating: PG. Common Sense Media rates this film as appropriate for ages 9+.

Video Librarian has a review for this film.

Wadjda Curriculum Guide

Lesson 1: Wadjda’s Story: Understanding Wadjda’s World (English Language Arts)
Lesson 2: The Country of Saudi Arabia (Geography, World History)
Lesson 3: Saudi Arabia Confronts Modernity (Social Studies)
Lesson 4: The Women of Saudi Arabia (Social Studies, Film Literacy)
Lesson 5: An Introduction to the Quran (World History, World Literature)
Lesson 6: Introducing Wadjda Filmmaker Haifaa Al Mansour (Film Literacy, English Language Arts)

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Glossary of Film Terms

The Glossary of Film Terms is useful for the Film Literacy lessons that are part of this curriculum guide.

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Sustainable Development Goals
Journeys in Film supports the Sustainable Development Goals.
This curriculum guide connects to the following United Nations SDGs. Learn more about teaching with SDGs: https://en.unesco.org/themes/education/sdgs/material.
Deep orange background. Number five upper left hand corner. Gender Equality, white, beside the number. Main image on the orange background is a symbol that combines the man symbol and woman symbol with equal marks inside the circle part of the symbol. Dark pink background. 10 in the left-hand corner. Reduced Inequalities beside the number. Central image on the pink background is a not quite complete circle with equal marks inside.

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