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Like Stars On Earth

Like Stars on Earth (Original title: Taare Zameen Par) follows the story of Ishaa, an eight-year-old boy whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate. Colours, fish, dogs, and kites don’t seem important to the adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks, and neatness. Ishaan cannot seem to get anything right in class; he is then sent to boarding school, where his life changes forever.

This heartwarming film speaks to the fact that all of us, whether teachers or learners, have unique brains and learning patterns.


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Product Description

Like Stars on Earth offers a wonderful opportunity to teach students about India, Bollywood films, and the Hindu festival Diwali. Our teaching guide features lessons across the curriculum, including Social Studies, Math,, Science, and Visual Arts.

Film runtime: 2 hours and 44 minutes.*
*We know this is long for many educational settings. We recommend this film for a special schedule day, end of the year celebrations, or to break into a few days of instruction because of the rich educational offerings that go with it. Plus, students truly love it. It is a film full of joy!

Film rating: PG. Common Sense Media rating: 13+.

Instruction level: for grades 5-8.

Film Reviews: Video Librarian review.

Like Stars on Earth Curriculum Guide

Lesson 1: The People and Land of India (Social Studies)
Lesson 2: The Elements of Film (Media Literacy)
Lesson 3: Making Beauty Out of Nonsense (Language Arts , Visual Literacy)
Lesson 4: Determining Your Grade (Mathematics)
Lesson 5: How the Brain Works (Science)
Lesson 6: Color and Design Block-Printed Textiles (Visual Arts)
Lesson 7: Diwali-The Festival of Lights (Film-specific Cross-Cultural Understanding)
Lesson 8: The Historical and Social Background of Bollywood (Music History)
Lesson 9: A World of Music (Arts)

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Like Stars on Earth is part of our global education collection of award-winning films from around the world for introducing students to global cultures and customs. We also recommend these global education films: Children of Heaven (Iran), Please Vote for Me (China), The Cup (Tibet), The Way Home (South Korea), Wadjda (Saudi Arabia), and Whale Rider (Aotearoa / New Zealand).

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Sustainable Development Goals

Journeys in Film supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more about teaching with UN SDGs. This curriculum guide connects to the following SDGs.

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