The background shows a green chalkboard covered in math equations. Text says: "Teach Math with Film". There are film posters in the bottom right for The Cup, Like Stars on Earth, and Hidden Figures. Th Journeys in Film logo is in the top right corner.

Boost student engagement with film-based math lessons! Our free film teaching guides feature classroom-ready lesson plans across the curriculum suitable for grade 4 all the way to grade 12 — including mathematics!

Hidden Figures

Our most popular math lesson is part of our Hidden Figures Curriculum Guide, about The Math of Space Travel: Orbits and Conic Sections, for grades 9 to 12. You can download the full Hidden Figures guide from our library, or get this lesson on its own from Share My Lesson.

Children of Heaven

Children of Heaven features two math lessons:  Lesson 8: Keeping Secrets and Lesson 9: Iran: The Land of Earthquakes.

Like Stars on Earth

Like Stars on Earth Lesson 4 explores the math of Determining Your Grade.

Please Vote for Me

Please Vote for Me Lesson 4 introduces students to Integer Calculations with Chinese Number Rods.

The Cup

The Cup Lesson 9 looks at the math of The Value of Money.

The Invisible Shield

Learn about the role of data & vital statistics in public health with The Invisible Shield! Discover how data can drive health interventions that save lives. Get students excited about a range of math-based public health careers.

The Way Home

The Way Home Lesson 9 teaches students about Using Graphs.

Whale Rider

Whale Rider Lesson 9 shows students how to Count the Uncountable with Fermi problems, using examples from the film.

Get your free math lesson plans from our library and liven up your math classes today!