He Named Me Malala

When 11-year-old blogger Malala Yousafzai began detailing her experiences in the Swat Valley of Pakistan for the BBC, she had no idea what momentous changes were coming in her life. Her father, Ziauddin, a school founder and dedicated teacher, was outspoken in his belief that girls, including his beloved daughter, had a right to an education. As they continued to speak out against restrictions imposed by extremists, Ziauddin received constant death threats, so many that he began to sleep in different places. But it was Malala who was almost killed, shot in the head by a gunman on her way home from school. Her survival and recovery have been little short of miraculous.


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Product Description

We are pleased to offer both a Curriculum Guide with classroom-ready lessons and a Discussion Guide for this film.

Film runtime: 1 hour, 28 minutes

Film rating: PG-13. Common Sense Media rates this film as appropriate for ages 12+.

Video Librarian also has a review available for this film.

Teaching Tips
  • Educators pair He Named Me Malala and our curriculum guide and/or discussion guide with Malala Yousafzai’s biography I Am Malala in ELA classes and Social Studies classes.
  • Speech educators are using Lesson 7 as a powerful standalone lesson for examining Malala’s iconic Nobel Peace Prize address.
He Named Me Malala Curriculum Guide

Lesson 1: Introducing Pakistan (Social Studies, Geography, World History)
Lesson 2: The Story of Malala: Growing Up (English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Lesson 3: The Story of Malala: The Attack by the Taliban (English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Lesson 4: The Story of Malala: A New Life of Global Advocacy (English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Lesson 5: Working for Change (Social Studies/Community Service)
Lesson 6: Global Violence Against Women and Girls (Social Studies/Sociology)
Lesson 7: ‘Let this end with us’: Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize Address (English Language Arts, Social Studies, Speech/Communication)
Lesson 8: The United Nations and the Rights of Women and Children (Social Studies)
Lesson 9: Women’s Education, Health, and Economic Development (Social Studies/Health/Economics)
Lesson 10: Telling a Story Through Film (Film Literacy) – The Glossary of Film Terms linked below is helpful for this lesson.

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Glossary of Film Terms

The Glossary of Film Terms is useful for the Film Literacy lessons that are part of this curriculum guide.

Preview Glossary of Film Terms

He Named Me Malala Discussion Guide
  • A Letter From Malala and Ziauddin Yousafazi
  • Introduction to the Film
  • About Pakistan
  • The Influence of Family
  • Religious Extremism Comes to the Swat Valley
  • The Global Status of Girls’ Secondary Education
  • Why Education Is So Critical (I)
  • Why Education Is So Critical (II)
  • Reaching Around the World: The Malala Fund at Work
  • What Can You Do?
  • Resources for Study and Action

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Group Discussion Facilitation Guidelines

In this guide, you will find suggestions for leading productive conversations that broaden perspectives, encourage empathy, and build new paradigms for education. It is adaptable, flexible and useful for a variety of learning settings. We recommend pairing it with this film to create safe space for classroom engagement around these themes and subjects.

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Sustainable Development Goals
Journeys in Film supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more about teaching with SDGs.
This curriculum guide connects to the following UN SDGs:

Deep red square with a white 4 in the upper left-hand corner. Quality Education, in white text, beside the number, and a book and pencil, white stencil style, is the focus art on the red background. Deep orange background. Number five upper left hand corner. Gender Equality, white, beside the number. Main image on the orange background is a symbol that combines the man symbol and woman symbol with equal marks inside the circle part of the symbol. Dark pink background. 10 in the left-hand corner. Reduced Inequalities beside the number. Central image on the pink background is a not quite complete circle with equal marks inside. Royal blue background with white 16 in the upper left hand corner. Text beside it, white, reads: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Central image, all white, is a dove with an olive branch in its beak, legs resting on a gavel.

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