The global plight of migrants, refugees and displaced persons is a growing and urgent contemporary issue that teachers increasingly seek to address in their classrooms. Our teaching materials are designed to support students to practice compassion and humility and make meaningful attempts to understand why refugees flee their homes, what their lives are like, and how everyday people can get involved to help. We warmly recommend the following film guides with lessons across the curriculum to provide a personal perspective on refugees’ experiences to engage and inspire your students.
He Named Me Malala

The film poster for He Named Me Malala over a hot pink background, showing a young Malala Yousafzai in a pink headscarf. Text on the side says: "Teach about Migrants and Refugees with Film".

He Named Me Malala follows events leading up to the Taliban’ attack on Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai for speaking out on girls’ education, followed by the aftermath, including her life as a displaced person.

We offer a He Named Me Malala Curriculum Guide and a He Named Me Malala Discussion Guide for grades 7-12

The film poster for The Cup over a bright orange background, showing an adult Buddhist monk and a young boy monk standing under an umbrella. Text on the side says: "Teach about Migrants and Refugees with Film".The Cup

The Cup, a feature film about a young Tibetan Buddhist monk living as a refugee in India who develops a passion for the World Cup. Our The Cup Curriculum Guide includes a social studies / current events lesson about refugees. For grades 4-12.

The film poster for The Music of Strangers over a dark orange background, showing globe exploding with instrumens.. Text on the side says: "Teach about Migrants and Refugees with Film".The Music of StrangersThe Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble

The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble follows more than 50 artists as they explore the ways art can both preserve traditions and shape cultural evolution. Our Curriculum Guide for The Music of Strangers includes a lesson about The Ongoing Syrian Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis. For Grades 7-12 + Higher Education. This film and lesson pair well with The Neighborhood Storyteller (below).

The film poster for The Neighborhood Storyteller over a bright green background, showing Asmaa Rashed, a young Syrian woman in a khaki headscarf. Text on the side says: "Teach about Migrants and Refugees with Film".The Neighborhood Storyteller

In The Neigbhorhood Storyteller, a young Syrian woman in a refugee camp in Jordan embarks on a read-aloud project to raise a new generation of successful young women.

Our The Neighborhood Storyteller Teaching Guide also features connections to Muzoon: A Syrian Refugee Speaks Out by Muzoon Almellehan with Wendy Pearlman, for educators interested in doing a film-book pairing for grades 5-12.

Collage of film posters over colorful backgrounds for The Cup, The Neighborhood Storyteller, The Music of Strangers, and He Named Me Malala.