
MARS is a series of six episodes that suggest what might occur when a carefully planned expedition lands on the Red Planet. The scripted part of the drama tells of pioneers willing to risk their lives in this attempt. The team of systems engineer, mission pilot, communicators, robotics specialist, physician, hydrologist, and exobiologist establish an initial settlement and look for traces of water and life.


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Product Description

Mars is a seven-part National Geographic series.

Film runtime: Episodes are typically 47-49 minutes.

Film rating: The series is not rated. Common Sense Media rates this series as appropriate for ages 13+. Our resources are typically for Grades 7 and up.

Video Librarian also has a review of this film.

Curriculum Guide for Mars

Lesson 1: Learning About Mars Through Space Exploration: Past, Present, and Future (History, Science, Social Studies)
Lesson 2: An Iceberg for the Red Planet: The Culture of Olympus Town (Social Studies)
Lesson 3: The Hazards of Mars: Programming an Interactive Story (Creative Writing, Programming, Science)
Lesson 4: Terraforming: Making Mars More Like Earth (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science)
Lesson 5: A Trip to Mars: Packing for Space Travel (Math, Physics)
Lesson 6: Are We There Yet? Distance and Speed in Space (Math, History)
Lesson 7: ‘The Martians Have Landed!’— Mars in Science Fiction (Language Arts)
Lesson 8: Writing Science Fiction (Language Arts, Creative Writing)

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Elon Musk is interviewed in this series. Our resources for this National Geographic series does not mean that we endorse or support any statements made by Elon Musk.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Journeys in Film supports the Sustainable Development Goals.

This curriculum guide connects to the following United Nations SDGs. Learn more about teaching with SDGs:

Orange square. 9 in white in the upper left hand corner. Text, white, beside the number reads: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Primary art on the orange square is four cubes, 3 on bottom, one on top. The cubes are clear except for one side on three of them, which is white.

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