Photo of a sun-dappled blackboard. Text says: "New Online Workshop. Primary Sources: The Catalyst for Deeper Learning Across Media. July 10-August 6. Learn the latest cross-media methods that use stories & primary sources to deepen student learning & engagement. Scholarships Available. Apply Now. Offered by Harvard Graduate School of Education and Journeys in Film. Funded by Library of Congress TPS Eastern Region Grant." There are logos in the middle right for the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium Member, and Journeys in Film.

Primary Sources: Catalyst for Deeper Learning Across Media

July 10-August 6, 2024

We are pleased to announce we are part of an upcoming Cross-Media Professional Development Course in the summer of 2024 with the Harvard X-Media Lab. We hope you can join us for this exciting new online, asynchronous workshop for professional development credit. APPLY NOW.

What You’ll Learn

  • The latest cross-media methods that integrate the strategic use and analysis of primary sources to deepen student learning and engagement. 
  • Techniques and best practices for choosing stories, analyzing primary sources, utilizing a proven complexity model for assessments, and adapting the cross-media methodology to different disciplines and grade levels. 
  • Learn more about the cross-media approach.

Who Should Attend

  • Educators, librarians, and instructional coaches at all levels of experience.
  • Education professionals interested in bringing primary sources into your classroom or library in dynamic ways that build digital/media literacy, cultivate new perspectives, and meet students where they are.
  • Advocates for innovative instructional moves that can be shared with other educators to enhance teaching/learning at all levels.

What to Expect

An interactive learning experience focused on an expanded methodology that combines the power of storytelling with cross-media analytic methods, and the strategic use of primary sources.

Registration Details

Registration/Cost: Free. Participation will be covered by a scholarship. Enrollment is limited. 

Application Deadline: Scholarships will be awarded on a first come/first serve basis. Please don’t wait to apply!

PD Credit: Available

Prerequisites: None.

How to Apply: Fill out the scholarship application form. Apply Now.

A golden sunset over a road crossing a tree-lined field. Text says: "Harvard X-Media Lab: Research at the crossroads of story, media and social awareness."