Author: SJ Evans

Get Students Excited about Service Learning with Film
April 14, 2024

Looking for service learning lessons and community service projects for your classroom? Film is a powerful tool to excite students about service learning: it provides an intimate and engaging look at the work of contemporary activists, many of whom are young people themselves, who are making a difference in the world. Our films show students that positive change is possible and the have the power to make an impact on the world around them in both...

Five Films About Amazing Women
April 11, 2024

These five award-winning documentary and feature films highlight the stories of exceptional women and their impressive accomplishments in STEM, religion, the arts, and human rights advocacy. Our free discussion guides and curriculum guides for these films can deepen engagement with the themes of gender, equality and human rights for all students. These positive representations of women can also expand students’ ideas about what leadership and...

4 Films To Inspire A Love of Learning
April 9, 2024

In honor of School Library Month in April and School Library Week April 7 to 13) we're highlighting some of our favorite films that inspire a love of learning while they celebrate the critical importance of mentors and educators. These four films from our Global Education Series also encourage cross-cultural understanding, empathy, and knowledge of the people and environments around the world. They are great choices to fire up students and teachers...

Bring Refugee Stories To Your Classroom
April 8, 2024

The global plight of migrants, refugees and displaced persons is a growing and urgent contemporary issue that teachers increasingly seek to address in their classrooms. Our teaching materials are designed to support students to practice compassion and humility and make meaningful attempts to understand why refugees flee their homes, what their lives are like, and how everyday people can get involved to help. We warmly recommend the following film...

Celebrate Stress Awareness Month with Film
April 5, 2024

April is Stress Awareness Month. Films can be powerful tools for alleviating stress and also for teaching about stress awareness, resilience, emotional regulation and coping strategies! We recommend the following lessons in our film guides to help you teach about stress and mental wellness with film. For Grades 4-12 The Cup, a feature film about a young Tibetan Buddhist monk living as a refugee in India who develops a passion for the World Cup,...

Teach with Film for World Health Day 2024
April 1, 2024

April 7 is World Health Day. The World Health Day theme for 2024 is 'My health, my right’, to champion the importance of healthcare for all, as well as safe and healthy living conditions including safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination.  We recommend the following films plus our free teaching guides for teaching about the intersection of...

Teach Math with Film for Math and Stats Month
April 1, 2024

Did you know you can teach math with film? For Mathematics and Statistics Month in April, we're highlighting some of our favorite math teaching tools. Our free film teaching guides feature classroom-ready lesson plans across the curriculum suitable for grade 4 all the way to grade 12 — including math lessons! Our most popular math lesson is part of our Hidden Figures Curriculum Guide, about The Math of Space Travel: Orbits and Conic Sections,...

7 Essential Teaching Tools for Genocide Education
April 1, 2024

April is Genocide Awareness Month in the US and Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month in Canada. We recommend the following film and teaching guide pairings to support you in teaching genocide education this month and all year round. Big Sonia is about Holocaust survivor Sonia Warshawski, who was a Jewish teenager living in Poland when the German army invaded in the 1930s. She’s a woman who speaks to students and prison...

Teach about Public Health with Film in April
March 31, 2024

April is full of opportunities to engage your students about public health: National Interprofessional Healthcare Month; National Minority Health Month; National Public Health Week April 1-7;  World Health Day April 7;  Black Maternal Health Week April 11-17; National Infant Immunization Week April 22-29;  World Immunization Week April 24-30.  The Invisible Shield is a powerful teaching tool for exploring the importance...