Whether you’re teaching summer school or summer camp or your school is still in session in July,  we have suggestions for easy, classroom-ready lesson plans and discussion guides to help you teach with film. Plus great films for summer film programs and summer activities!

July Teaching Highlights

July is Disability Pride Month and July 26 is National Disability Independence Day. Celebrate Disability Rights and Disability Pride with Crip Camp.

July 8 is National Video Game Day. Discover the joy of learning with educational video games, with Walden, a game, from the USC Game Innovation Lab.

July 20 is World Chess Day. Celebrate the game of kings with hit Disney film Queen of Katwe.

July 28 is World Nature Conservation Day. Explore the wonder of creatures great and small with our Celebration of Nature Lesson Collection

More July All-Month Events

July is Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Mental Health Awareness Month. Teach Mental Health Awareness with Film

June is also National Parks & Recreation Month. It’s a great time to Learn about forests with film.

Special July Teaching Days

July 1 is National Zip Code Day. Teach with UNZIPPEDwhich tackles income inequality as experienced by three families living in the same zip code. 

The Civil Rights Act was enacted on July 2, 1964. Check out our standalone lessons about civil rights and the civil rights movement in our Black History Lessons Collection

July 4 marks the anniversary of the death of Polish physicist, Marie Curie, who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity, which substantially contributed to cancer treatment methods. Introduce students to more inspirational women of science with Hidden Figures, Jane, and The Love Bugs

July 9 is the birthday of actor Tom Hanks! We’re pleased to offer guides for two of Hanks’ award-winning collaborations with Steven Spielberg: Bridge of Spies and The Post

July 23 is International Self-Care Day. Check out our free experiential lessons on meditation and mindfulness — for your students or for yourself! 

July 26 is National Disability Independence Day, a great day to watch Crip Camp