Educators | Journeys in Film


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Anti-bias Education

Looking for our free resources for teaching with film? Visit the Journeys in Film Library.

We understand the ways that media influence young people’s understanding of their world and are committed to questioning certain language, roles, stereotypes, and attitudes.   

Lesson plans are the cornerstone of Journeys’ work, reinforcing academic standards while teaching young viewers how to watch a film and challenging them to examine how their own experiences influence their perceptions of others.  We provide prompts within the lesson plans to confront bias and typecasting that are perpetuated by media makers, adding to society’s adoption of these harmful attitudes. These prompts are excellent tools for today’s educators who say that they often feel inadequate to teach subjects in a multi-cultural context.

We believe many films can be transformative educational resources to facilitate community dialogue, inspire proactive learning for youth, parents, and educators who desire to advocate for certain causes. Educators crave resources to address the inequities present in our society, especially those that affect inequalities in education.

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Our Methodology

Following the lead of educators Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, we use a “backward-design” process that follows several steps:

  • Identify main ideas or Enduring Understandings
  • Establish Essential Questions
  • Determine key knowledge and skills to be taught
  • Determine the evidence of learning students should present at the end of lesson
  • Provide background notes to teachers and assessment tools
  • Provide instructions for the “how-what-when”
  • Provide downloadable interactive materials

Curriculum Lesson and Engagement Plans Include:

  • Pre-film viewing preparation and subsequent lessons
  • Recommendations for creating the best setting for film viewing
  • Recommendations for special reading needs students
  • Our curricula comply with Common Core Standards and when appropriate with subject area standards.
  • Recommendations for an interdisciplinary approach
  • Assessment tools

Our developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive materials support various learning styles and promote literacy. We fully support Teaching Tolerance’s Anti-bias Framework in Education.

In today's ever-changing, ever-surprising global economy, everything flows so easily across borders-ideas, capital, products, people, and even problems. This brings international issues to Americans' doorsteps and makes cultural understanding a necessity for young people, just to navigate their neighborhoods, let alone compete for the jobs of the future. ``Knowledge work`` is growing in importance, and there are millions of increasingly well-educated English-speaking graduates from other countries - India, China, Europe - seeking the best jobs anywhere. Schools must rise to the challenge of improving basic skills while enlarging horizons, broadening perspectives, and teaching about the whole world. Journeys in Film provides the means to explore other cultures virtually, to gain the knowledge and skills for effective relationship-building, at home or abroad.

-Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Arbuckle Professor of Business